Offers, feedback and enquiries
Orthodontics ST4 recruitmentWhen interviews are complete, applicant scores will be used to produce a single ranking. Offers will be made based on ranking and preferencing.
Offer process
The scores of all applicants will be collated to produce a single ranking based on the scores from all the virtual stations and 40% of your self-assessment form.
Offers will be based upon your rank and preference. The allocation to a training unit will depend on the ranking you achieve as a result of your virtual interview performance combined with your self-assessment.
If you are not offered a post at the first iteration, you will be held on a reserve list for any posts that become available later in the recruitment cycle.
Tied scores
If any scores are tied, individual station scores will be taken into account.
References and pre-employment checks
Your referees will be contacted only if you are appointed.
References will be requested by your the local region or employer before you commence employment. You will be asked to provide the details of 3 referees on your online application.
All pre-employment checks will be carried out by the local region or employer before you commence employment. Any training post offers will be made subject to satisfactory references and completion of pre-employment checks.
Failure to meet pre-employment checks carried out by the employing Trust may result in your offer being retracted.
Deferred entry
Deferment can only be considered on statutory grounds such as maternity leave or ill health, as stated in the Dental Gold Guide. Deferment for any other reason will not be permitted.
We'll send individual feedback to all candidates through the digital scoring system after the Selection Centre.
This will include your virtual interview and self assessment score and any written assessor comments.
There is no opportunity for individual verbal feedback from the panel.
For more information visit the Dental specialty training offers and feedback page.
Any further enquiries should be made to [email protected].
Page last reviewed: 4 August 2023
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