Specific entry and selection requirements for specialty training programme are detailed in nationally-agreed person specifications.

Person Specifications

Each specialty has a person specification that lists the required competences for that programme. You'll need to demonstrate that you meet some eligibility criteria at the time of application and further criteria at the time of commencement in post.

Academic person specifications

If you're applying to an Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) or Clinical Lectureship (CL), you'll need to meet the criteria in both the specialty training programme and ACF or CL person specifications.

For more information go to the Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) or Clinical Lectureship (CL) pages.

All Person Specifications can be found on the person specification page.

Evidence of English Language skills

You will need to provide evidence of your English language skills at the relevant Selection Centre in line with the 'acceptable evidence' in the relevant national person specification.

Evidence of communication skills for UK Dental Performers/NHS list

As well as English lnaguage skills, some DST programmes require you to be  eligibile for entry onto a UK Dental Performers’/NHS List/NI Dental List, which requires demonstration of communication skills.

For these programmes, you must ensure your evidence of communication skills complies with the standard operating procedure (SOP) or guidance issued by the primary care organisation (PCO) responsible for maintaining the UK Dental Performers/NHS list.

The UK's PCOs are:

  • England: NHS England
  • Northern Ireland: Health and Social Care Board
  • Scotland: Primary Care Divisions within Health Boards
  • Wales: Local Health Boards

Evidence of Dental Foundation Training (DFT) or Vocational Training (VT)

You may need to evidence completion of DFT/VT. As per the relevant person specification this can be proven in different ways.

If you are a UK Dental School graduate:

  • current employment in a UK DFT/VT post
  • exemption from the requirement to undertake DFT/VT programme
  • Certificate of Completion of DFT/VT

If you are an overseas dental school graduate (non-UK/EEA):

  • completion of UK DFT/VT
  • Certificate of Demonstration of Completion of Performers List Validation by Experience (PLVE) signed by the postgraduate dental dean from the area in which equivalence was demonstrated

Evidence of dental core competency

You must demonstrate the competencies required at the end of UK Dental Core Training year 1 (DCT1) - that is, outcome 1 - at the time of interview, and the competencies required at the end of UK Dental Core Training year 2 (DCT2) at the time of post commencement (or equivalent). Core competence can be demonstrated in the following ways. 

If you are currently undertaking a UK Dental Core Training year 2 (DCT2) post:

You do not need to provide any further evidence at the time of application, however any offer of a training post will be conditional on successful completion of DCT2. You'll be required to provide a certificate of completion of DCT2, or evidence of satisfactory Review of Competence Progression (RCP) outcome, to your employing Trust prior to commencement.

If you have previously completed a UK DCT2 post:

  • If your DCT2 post  commenced on or after August 2016 , you're required to provide a certificate of completion of DCT2 or evidence of satisfactory RCP outcome at the time of application. You must attach scanned or PDF copies of your certificate or RCP outcome to your application.
  • If you hold a certificate of completion of DCT which commenced prior to August 2016, you'll need to apply for a National Certificate of Dental Core Equivalence (NCDCE) 2 through the process detailed on the NHS Education for Scotland website.

All other applicants:

  • If you hold a National Certificate of Dental Core Equivalence (NCDCE) 2 at the time of application, you're required to attach a copy of your certificate to your application.
  • If you do not hold an NCDCE2, you'll need to apply for one through the process detailed on the NHS Education for Scotland website. If you're unsuccessful in being awarded a certificate you will not be eligible for appointment to specialty training and will be removed from the recruitment process.

Right to work in the UK

All applicants to dental training programmes will be required to provide right to work documentation.


Find out more information about right to work documentation and overseas applicants.

Page last reviewed: 20 June 2023