All interviews in this year's recruitment round will take place virtually.

Candidates will rotate through 3 x 25 minute stations. These stations include the image station, clinical experience station, and the written station.

Image station

Candidates will be shown an image  with instructions on screen and be allocated 5 minutes to review this prior to entering the station.  Candidates will then have 20 minutes in the station with 2 assessors to relay their findings and answer questions.

The station will assess:

  • technical knowledge (understanding of public health concepts) and clinical expertise (specialty expertise)
  • delivery and structure and communication skills
  • critical thinking and handling questions
  • time management/verbal presentation skills

Clinical experience station

Candidates will be shown instructions on screen and be allocated 5 minutes for reading.  Candidates will then have 20 minutes in the station with 2 assessors to answer a series of structured questions.

This station will assess:

  • commitment to specialty
  • insight into career/training to date
  • personal skills
  • communication skills

Written station

Candidates will be emailed a written extract in advance.  On the day of the interview, candidates will be show on screen a series of questions relating to the extract.  There will be 5 minutes prior to entering the station to prepare repsonses to the questions.  Candidates will then enter the station and have 20 minutes to type up their responses to the questions relating to the extract. Prior to exiting the interview, candidates will be required to submit their responses via email. This station will assess:

  • organisation and planning
  • conceptual thinking and problem solving
  • communication skills
  • learning and development

*For this station candidates will need to have 2 operational screens. One on which they can view, read and analyse the extract and the other which they can type their responses to the questions.  One invigilator will be present throughout this station.


For more information visit the Dental specialty training interviews page.

Lay representative

A lay representative will attend the selection process to make sure all panels are consistent and managed in accordance with the agreed process.

The lay representative will not score candidates. They are present to ensure that panels decisions are fair and equitable.


You may be asked to bring certain documentation with you to the virtual interviews.

Failure to bring the specified documents may result in applicants not being interviewed.

If you have any concerns about being able to bring the required documents with you, you should contact [email protected] in advance of the virtual interview.

Page last reviewed: 31 July 2023

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