Ranking, offers and post offers
Dental Foundation Training (DFT) applicant guideYou will be notified on the status of your Dental Foundation Training (DFT) application via Oriel.
You will be notified by the end of January 2025 about this.
National Ranking
The scores will be centrally collated to produce a single national ranking based upon the scores from the SJT.
Your total score is made up of 100% of your score equalling your mark on the SJT.
In the event of tied ranks, there are a number of pilot questions included in the SJT which are not used to determine your SJT score but will be used for the purposes of breaking ties.
The pilot questions do not lengthen the duration of the SJT test.
If the pilot questions do not then break the ties, the scores across the 4 domains assessed in the SJT will be used to break ties.
Case study
You will receive your offer rank and total SJT score on the day offers are released.
Offer process
You will be notified on the status of your application (successful or unsuccessful) via your Oriel account by the end of January 2025.
If you are deemed successful this does not guarantee that you will receive a DFT post.
Should you be unsuccessful in obtaining your BDS by 24 June 2025 you will be withdrawn from the recruitment process.
Upgrades will be available until 5 June 2024 4pm
Your allocation to a DFT scheme will depend on the ranking you achieve as a result of your Situational Judgement Test (SJT) performance and the preferences that you submit on Oriel.
The first ranked applicant will be offered their first preferenced scheme and so on.
See the case study below for more details.
Once the offer match been released you will be either:
- Notified via oriel that an offer to a DFT scheme has been made
- A notification that all current vacancies have been filled and you are on the reserve list
Offers of training placements are conditional, and will be made to those who gain Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) or equivalent by (to be confirmed) 2025.
Your allocation to a DFT scheme will depend on the ranking you achieve as a result of your Situational Judgement Test (SJT) performance and the preferences that you submit on Oriel. The first ranked applicant will be offered their first preferenced scheme and so on.
Making a decision on your offer
To accept or decline an offer, click on the appropriate button from the Offer/Actions section of the offer summary.
When you click on Accept you will be taken to a confirmation screen.
You must ensure that you tick the confirmation check box before you click the confirm button in order to confirm your response.
A green confirmation message box is displayed at the top of the screen when you have successfully submitted your response.
You will be given 48 hours in which to accept, accept with upgrades, or reject an offer by logging in to Oriel and going to the offer tab of your dashboard.
If you fail to accept during this 48 hour period, you will be deemed to have rejected the offer made and the system will automatically expire the offer.
Should you be unsuccessful in obtaining your BDS by 24 June 2025 you will be withdrawn from the recruitment process.
The Oriel message you receive once you have been made an offer is your official confirmation of an offer to Dental Foundation Training.
Any documentation required to support external processes (e.g. Mortgage) will need to be discussed with the lead employer/region where your offer is in.
Once an offer is accepted it cannot be changed to a training placement to another NHSE Local Office/Deanery or scheme unless you opt in to upgrades in the first offer phase.
Once upgrade deadline has passed, there will be no opportunity to change offers or swap offers with applicants.
Upgrading of schemes is only available until the upgrade deadline 5 June 2024 4pm. After this date, no further upgrades will be offered.
You must accept your offer before you can opt in to upgrades.
Once you have accepted the offer, you can only amend your preferences if you opt in for upgrades. This option is available as a button on the offer page.
Once you have opted into upgrades, you will be able to see your preferences at the bottom of that page, and you can then amend them accordingly.
You cannot remove the scheme you have been offered at this stage, and you should only rank schemes higher than your offered scheme rank if you definitely want to go to them as upgrades are automatic and you cannot revert to your original offer if an upgrade is made.
The programme preference you have received as an offer is displayed at the bottom of this screen. Above this are all other programme preferences that you have ranked more highly than your offered programme preference.
Important: Upgrades
If you opt in to upgrades, and an upgrade becomes available, you do not have an option to decline the upgrade.
Upgrades occur automatically and replace your initial offer which cannot be reinstated.
Reject an offer
If you reject an offer, you will not be included in any further offer matching in the recruitment round.
Any offer that is declined or that expires will be reoffered in 48-hour iterations to the next eligible appointable applicants, in rank order and according to saved preferences.
If you are therefore initially placed on the reserve list – it is advisable to check your email and Oriel account every 24 hours as offers will be ongoing throughout (to be confirmed) 2025.
Reserve list
Whilst we aim to offer as many posts as possible in our matches, on occasion applicants will rank a small number of preferences and these are no longer available to match to an offer.
Any offer that is declined or that expires will be reoffered to the next eligible appointable applicants, in rank order and according to saved preferences.
If you are therefore initially placed on the reserve list - it is advisable to check your email and Oriel account every 24 hours as offers will be ongoing.
We also recommend to expand your preferences choices as wide as possible.
Case study
The above case study demonstrates the importance of the preferences that you make. It is advised to preference as many schemes as you are prepared to train in – if you limit the number of schemes, you preference, this could limit your possibility of being offered a training placement.
If you limit your preferences and you do not rank highly enough to be offered any of them, you will not be offered a training post – even if you are eligible to receive an offer based on your score and rank.
In this case you are considered to have pre-emptively declined an offer of a post as the only vacancies left are in schemes that you are not prepared to train in.
This is indicated by placing the scheme in the ‘Not wanted’ column on Oriel.
Preferencing out
You can rank high enough to receive an offer but due to the limited schemes you have selected during preferencing will mean you have not received an offer and your Oriel status is Interview Complete.
You will continue to be included in offer matches, and we advise that you widen your scheme preference choices when preferences are open to increase the opportunities of receiving a match.
Post offer processes
See information below for deferrals, less than full-time training and post offer details for Dental Foundation Training recruitment 2025-26.
Attendance of Dental Foundation study days and Local allocation process
See information below for attendance of study days and Local allocation process details for Dental Foundation Training recruitment 2025-26.
Any further enquiries should be made via the Applicant Support Portal.
Page last reviewed: 9 August 2023
Next review due: 9 August 2024